
Sunday, March 29, 2009

More wisdom ...

Sadguru says -
  • The very experience of Life is only in the depth of your involvement. Have you noticed whatever you did with involvement has always been a joy?

  • Enlightenment does not mean Everyone becomes one way. Enlightenment means Everyone becomes their Own way. That is the beauty of it!

  • "God Loves you" is not significant. If you are in such a way that everybody cannot help but fall in love with you - now, that is Great!

  • Compassion is not an attitude of kindness but an instrument of unprejudiced involvement. All inclusive passion is true compassion.

  • The very source of creation is throbbing within you. You ignored it for a lifetime - can there be a worse crime?

  • To abuse somebody who abuses you, You do not need any awareness But in order to remain quiet, YOU need enormous awareness.

  • As long as you live, living as a complete human being is what you owe to yourself and to the people around You.

  • Whether you plan to go to the mountain or to the moon, you can start your journey from the seat in which you are sitting right now.

  • Awareness is aliveness. How aware you are, is how alive you are.

  • Spirituality is not something you do. If you stop all your nonsense, you are spiritual. Spirituality is ultimate sense.

  • When you are torn by the pain of ignorance.... then the Master arrives.

  • When you don't know what to choose, just show total involvement in everything you have. Then life will choose and it is never wrong.

  • Human life becomes beautiful not because we do the right things. human life becomes beautiful because we put our heart into what we are doing.

  • Every activity you perform has to become .... simply an offering. Only when everything becomes just an offering then karma has no bondage.

  • If you have found one person with whom you can trust your life, you are very fortunate. many people do not even find that one person.

  • Basic problem with humanity is that everyone wants to be special. Only when you become ordinary like a tree, can a greater dimension of life open up to you.

  • If tears of love, joy ecstasy have not washed your cheeks, you are yet to taste Life.

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