
Sunday, March 29, 2009

More wisdom ...

Sadguru says -
  • The very experience of Life is only in the depth of your involvement. Have you noticed whatever you did with involvement has always been a joy?

  • Enlightenment does not mean Everyone becomes one way. Enlightenment means Everyone becomes their Own way. That is the beauty of it!

  • "God Loves you" is not significant. If you are in such a way that everybody cannot help but fall in love with you - now, that is Great!

  • Compassion is not an attitude of kindness but an instrument of unprejudiced involvement. All inclusive passion is true compassion.

  • The very source of creation is throbbing within you. You ignored it for a lifetime - can there be a worse crime?

  • To abuse somebody who abuses you, You do not need any awareness But in order to remain quiet, YOU need enormous awareness.

  • As long as you live, living as a complete human being is what you owe to yourself and to the people around You.

  • Whether you plan to go to the mountain or to the moon, you can start your journey from the seat in which you are sitting right now.

  • Awareness is aliveness. How aware you are, is how alive you are.

  • Spirituality is not something you do. If you stop all your nonsense, you are spiritual. Spirituality is ultimate sense.

  • When you are torn by the pain of ignorance.... then the Master arrives.

  • When you don't know what to choose, just show total involvement in everything you have. Then life will choose and it is never wrong.

  • Human life becomes beautiful not because we do the right things. human life becomes beautiful because we put our heart into what we are doing.

  • Every activity you perform has to become .... simply an offering. Only when everything becomes just an offering then karma has no bondage.

  • If you have found one person with whom you can trust your life, you are very fortunate. many people do not even find that one person.

  • Basic problem with humanity is that everyone wants to be special. Only when you become ordinary like a tree, can a greater dimension of life open up to you.

  • If tears of love, joy ecstasy have not washed your cheeks, you are yet to taste Life.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev says -

  • Gratitude is not an Attitude. It is something that flows out of you when you are overwhelmed by what is being given to You.

  • Being Alive is not a small thing, it is the greatest phenomenon, not just on the planet but in the whole of the cosmos.

  • Unless you are free from the Process of your own Mind, unless you are free from the Process of your own Body, there is really no such thing as Freedom.

  • Enlightenment need not always happen with a Bang, it can happen quietly, it can be like a flower blossoming.

  • If you think, you are big... You become Small. If you KNOW you are nothing, you become Unlimited. That is the beauty of being a human being.

  • If Desire is a conscious process, then there is no problem. But now that you have lost your awareness and it has become a compulsion, you are a slave to your desire.

  • If you are left out of the mad compulsiveness of society, you must be really blessed. You are not Excluded, you are Included into Life.

  • When unpleasant things happen in our Life, either we can become wise or wounded. This is a choice every human has.

  • Do not try to be in this moment. If you are totally involved with what you are doing right now, you can only be in this moment.Where else can you be?

  • Where there is just teaching, there is adoration, there is worship. Only where there is method, there will be transformation.

  • Your one and only Problem and the very basis of your misery is that life is not happening the way you think it should happen.

  • Once you have an inkling of the immensity of Life, once you see how small and insignificant you are, you become receptivity itself.

  • Either it takes enormous Intelligence or it takes enormous Trust. These are the only two ways one can grow without struggle.

  • If you get too enamoured with your own creation, then you miss the Creator's creation!

Monday, March 16, 2009


It's one of those moments when in a quiet moment, all of a sudden I feel completely happy and at peace. For no reason whatsoever. Everything burdensome just drops off and there is a feeling of lightness and joy. It happens sometimes, the mind after a prolonged period of turning and churning, and frothing at the mouth :) feels exhausted from its own exertions and lies down for a rest. It literally drops off and we are then in a place of no-mind. Our natural state. In which joy, love, peace, bliss all exist already.

So then why are we seeking for what we carry within us all the time? Why are we looking for reasons to be happy, for external means to be happy? Why do we say if such and such condition is fulfilled, then I shall be happy? When it is all there, all the time, already. Such foolishness. Such is the power of the mind, of illusions. Such is the tragedy of the human condition.

But there is hope. Because once in a while, the illusions drop off and we see things clearly as they really are. We see the shining truth. And we know that it is there even if it then gets hidden.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fall into me

When life cracks wide open
and pain sits on the edges,
and you plunge in headlong free-fall,
come, fall into me.

Bloodied, bruised and broken,
while you look for footholds,
among the broken pieces,
come, fall into me.

When you clear away the pieces
and seek to start anew,
take my strength, my sinew,
and come, fall into me.

Drop your fear, your sorrow,
into the deep cave of my silence,
lose yourself in vastness,
come, fall into me.

Saturday soliloquy

There came a time sometime last week when I had what can be called a transformative moment, a major life-shift moment. I suddenly felt myself to be utterly and completely alone. All the things in my life that had up until then contributed to making my life meaningful suddenly seemed to either have deserted me or to be utterly meaningless. I must admit that in the face of this total aloneness I crumbled. I railed and ranted, I panicked and I resisted big-time until the resistance slowly gave way to acceptance. And now from that place of complete acceptance I realise that all those externalities, like career, possessions, money, body, mind, relationships, that one depends on in the normal course of life are unstable structures. They are liable to shift and sway and sometimes give way. And if I depend on them too much, then I’m setting myself up for continual and repeated disappointment and pain.

So what else is there? I find that once we put away the things of the material world, then a whole new world of the spirit opens up. In the material world there is always a feeling of lack, and in order to fill this up we keep seeking more and more. More money, more possessions, more knowledge, more sex, more relationships. But the world of the spirit is one of abundance. It is brimming over and over-flowing. And it is available to us at all times. It is our essential nature. We are abundant and over-full. But unfortunately, we identify so totally with with we HAVE in our lives instead of what we ARE. So when the externals fall away as they are always likely to do then we flounder and faint and then catch hold of other crutches. In the process we fail to realise that we as we are, in our essential nature, are whole and complete. We are limitless, flowing, boundless, we are one and we are all. We are the universe. And there is nothing lacking in the universe.

I am also at that point in life where I’m about to say goodbye to the known and launch into the unknown. All by myself. It is scary at times and thrilling at others. But strangely enough when I face my fears they go away :) I feel like a frontier explorer. This must be how Columbus felt when he sailed away looking for India. But then I don’t even have a destination. All I know is that I’m about to set sail. Once again looking at it from the material sense, it seems scary, but when i move into the realm of the spirit, all fears drop away and I feel a sense of adventure. It is more than just an adventure in the worldly sense, it is more than jumping off a cliff in a bungee jump or rocketing down some torrential river in a canoe. This is more of a spiritual adventure, at every turn I have to deal with the many heads of the ego-dragon. At every step I have to keep from falling into the mind-trap.

Speaking of which it seemed to me last week that I had lost my mind. Seriously lost it. I was thinking and saying and doing things which I would never have considered doing a few months ago. But after all the dust had finally settled around the crisis, I realised that quite the contrary had happened. I had not lost my mind, but my mind had taken over total control of me. It had unleashed the ego which had taken over my thoughtscape and my soul was just a dim memory. I had completely and entirely forgotten that I was a spiritual being with a human body and mind not a human being with a soul tucked away somewhere.

This is why I love crises. Boy! Does it teach me lessons ! :))))))