
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday afternoon insights

Like a master sculptor and skilled surgeon, God chips and moulds, cuts and incises, dismembers, stitches up, breaks and remoulds, allows to bleed, ravages with pain, heals with compassion, handles with infinite tenderness, this imperfect lump of clay, quivering mass of flesh into something worth being proud of, a masterpiece...

I just realised that reality and imagination are just two different perspectives. Reality seems more solid because it seems to be backed up by the senses. But can the senses be relied upon totally? Imagination is more powerful because it is not shackled by the hard rock of reality, and is infinitely free, thus bringing everything into the realm of possibility...

You can understand and accept others only to the extent to which you can understand and accept yourself. Self-knowledge and self-acceptance is primary, everything else will follow...