
Friday, September 22, 2006

Us luminous beings

I believe that we are like the sun, glorious, luminious beings, lit from within with the light of love. But we go through life with our doors closed, our faces lit up with artificial, flourescent smiles and 100-watt laughter. And then someone comes along whose soul connects to our soul and we throw open our doors and windows and our light shines forth and we reveal our true, loving self. And we revel in their presence and can be totally ourselves and we say we are transformed by love. But is it really a transformation, isn't it just an uncovering? The uncovering of our true self.

The same thing happens when we are in the presence of beauty, a beautiful sunrise, the cadences of birdsong, lilting music, great works of art, the innocence of children, the beauty within us responds to the beauty without and we realise our beautiful selves.

So then, why do we let fear close our doors, force ourselves to wear masks, shutting out our light, blind to the light in others? It would be so wonderful if we lived believing that we are creatures of light, capable of great loving, aware of our infiniteness, in touch with our divinity. We would truly be divine.

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