The other day while reading someone else's blog I came across a reference to the Aasthavakra Geeta. I googled it and found the most extraordinarily enlightening dialogue between Sage Aasthavakra and King Janaka. I read only a few lines but musing over them led to the realisation that I should relinquish my need for acknowledgement, encouragement, appreciation and even love. For the soul is above these ego needs, it exists in perfect equilibrium and bliss and already knows everything. It is the ego that feels disappointed, disheartened, unloved. The soul is love and knows only love, how can it be unloved? However, it requires great vigilance to be aware of oneself as the soul, for the mind is forever trying to engage in activity that keeps us identified with the ego, to pull us back to the world of the senses. Let go of the ego, become aware of the mind, of the games it is trying to play and the emotions, the slave of the mind. Awareness leads to consciousness of the Self which then leads to the Divine - perfect peace and perfect love.
You do not consist of any of the elements -- earth, water, fire, air, or even ether. To be liberated, know yourself as consisting of consciousness, the witness of these. 1.3
4 years ago
Yessss...That's it..:)))