
Monday, May 01, 2006

The blossoming spirit

This morning after getting up I decided to meditate for a while. While meditating I had this feeling that I sometimes get that I am in the prescence of God. My spirit just blossomed and I felt like I was surrounded by this overwhelming love and a corresponding love rose within me. I kept feeling 'I love you God' and I was so happy I started crying just like in the poem. Then I said 'Can I kiss you God?' And she said, 'You will have to kiss the whole universe of just kiss something that is nearby, for I am in everything". There was such beauty and such peace. I felt like the Seagul felt when it has risen over all the clouds and looked down at the others huddled against the rain. All my pain, envy, desires just vanished. It was such an incredibly blissful experience. It is hard to describe. I felt my clarity returning and felt centered again.

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