I am writing this to you even though I know you are everywhere. In the paper and pencil when I write, in the computer where it will be posted, in all the screens where this letter will be displayed. You are in all these places and everywhere else, so why write.? Because I like writing to you. :)
You were right when you told Arjuna that he must think of you always. Whenever I think of you, all my sadness, misery, tensions, even happiness vanish. I am filled with the most exquisite peace, bliss and love. The world flickers and becomes indistinct and then there is only this vast silence where there is no desire, no thought, no emotion, just ineffable bliss.
When I think of you all my thoughts, words and deeds are right ones. There is no question that it will be otherwise. I wish to remain in this always. I do not understand the reason why I came into this world because its illusions make me forget my true nature. I’m sure my soul that is you, had a good enough reason. But now that I am in it, I would like you to show me how to remain aware of my divine self always. How to remember always that I am you when the world intervenes and tells me otherwise. That is all I ask of you, dear God.
There are a lot of things I would like to talk about. Maybe some other time. I’m sure you don’t mind waiting. After all you are beyond time.
from love to love for all is love
4 years ago
ReplyDeleteP: karuniSO rangA karuNisO
A: iruLu hagalu ninna smaraNeyittu enna OR alternately sung as:
iruLu hagalu ninna smaraNe mareyadante
THAT I NEVER FORGET YOUR SMARANEY DAY AND NIGHT (What is Smaraney in English? Remembrance/Memory)
C1: rukumAngadanaMte vrata mADalariyenO
I dont know how to perform “VRATA” like Rukumangada
SukamuniyaMte stutisalariye
I cannot praise you like Sukamuni did
bakavairiyaMte dhyAnava mADalariye
I do not know how to do “Dhyana” like Bakavari
dEvakiyaMte etti muddisalariye
I do not know how to lift you up and pet you (Muddisu) like Devaki did
2: garuDanaMte pottu tirugalariye nAnu
I do not know how to carry you and roam around like Garuda did
vara kapiyaMte sEvisalariye
Nor I know how to serve you like “vara kapi” (Divine Monkey or Hanuman) did
suramuniyaMte pADalariye nAnu
I cannot sing like suramunis did
[karirAjanaMte kareyalariye]
I do not know how to call you like Kariraja did
siriyaMte neredu mOhisalariye
Nor do I know how to love you like “Siri” ( Wealth or Goddess Lakshmi) does
3: baliyaMte dAnava koDalariyeno- bhakti
I do not know how to do charity like Bali (Chakravarthi) did (ref: vamana avatar)
chalavanariye prahlAdanaMte
I do not know the Chala Bhakti (Determined or Persistent Bhakti) like Prahalada
olisalArenu arjunanaMte sakhanAgi
I cannot show you affection of a friend like Arjuna did
salahO dEvadEva purandaraviTTala
So help me o devara deva (God of Gods) Purandara vittala
Thank you very much Anonymous for posting the link to a very beautiful song rendered so soulfully by Pt.Bhimsen Joshi. I've been listening to it again and again :)))) sometimes with tears in my eyes.