
Friday, December 12, 2008

Lovely like a bird

Here's Tia's (now 9 years old) latest poem -

As the flowers bloom the birds come out
Beautifully like a water sprout
Watching the bright blue sky
With the glimmer in your eye
With the angel next to you
You will see you are one too.
When you look at the sky now think different, think like a bird


  1. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Brilliant !

  2. Anonymous7:53 pm

    that was a fabulous extra fabulous poem!! write another one Tia

  3. Anonymous7:57 pm

    i did lots of poems but their still in my head tia did quite a good job shes good as if she keeps writing she would score another go me keep writing tia otherwise i will be very sad and i dont like being sad so keep me happy
