
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lesson time again

It's lesson time for me again, and the important ones I've learnt (or trying hard to learn) over the past few days are -

1. Your self-worth is never to depend on what someone else says/does, or does not say/do. If it does then you are simply giving away your power to someone else, it's like, it is your life but you are letting someone else pilot it. Take back the controls, look inside and find your worth on your own.

2. Let go of the past. Always. It is dead. If ghosts of it still keep appearing, then you've probably not achieved closure. Bring out the issues into the open, deal with them, resolve them and bury them. Period.

3. One close, deep relationship is more precious than a hundred shallow ones. Throw out the shallow ones, they take away too much of your time and energy and will probably not be around when times are bad. Nurture your close relationships. Lavish your love on the really meaningful ones. Let them bloom and grow.

4. Nurture yourself. If there is anyone in the universe most deserving of your love, it is you. So said Buddha. You cannot love others if you are feeling unloved or unlovable yourself. You cannot make the world a happy place if your inner life is in shambles. Nurture your inner self with kindness, compassion, love.

5. Your happiness or sorrow is entirely based upon the thoughts you have. You can change your attitude and be forever happy, but that happiness is still of the mind and belongs to the world. Bliss, on the other hand, comes from rising above the mind, it is neither happy nor sad, it is just a state of being in oneness.

6. Remember you are divine. Never lose an opportunity in all your quiet moments to remind yourself that. Slowly but surely the knowledge will seep in and wisdom will dawn. This will take you out of the drama of the world and put you in touch with joy and bliss. Then you can splash around in the world and still not get wet.

God Bless!


  1. Anonymous3:17 pm

    This is pure wisdom. Worth prining and keeping it handy all the tiem, lest you lose track!

  2. There is so much of wisdom in these words and experience. Point No 5 and 6 are the crux. There is so much harmony in your thoughts. Wonderful soul, keep going like this..:))

    Just to add.. Isnt it true that we all keep ourselves at the centre of whatever we do or think? We naturally perceive the world and its events always with respect to us. Everyone of us. But how can there be so many centres? That would lead to chaos. But the universe is not chaos. There is but one centre and we all revolve around it. Our natural state is towards this centre. We all are rushing towards it in some way or the other. The key is to merge our individualities and realise the one big centre. Or better still the one big whole.
