
Friday, July 21, 2006

Karma Yoga

What is Karma Yoga? A yoga attained through selfless service, renouncing the fruits of one’s action, and performing actions with pure intention, devoid of selfish motive. To uplift the lives of others!

But how many of us walk on the path of Karma Yoga with no thought of reward? Some people crave recognition, some hope that the people they are helping will help them back. Some have some other motive. I feel that karma yoga can be practiced in every thing you do, every little action, every small deed. Even if it washing the dishes or mowing the lawn or writing a letter. If all these actions are done with love, so the simple pleasure of doing for doing sake or with the thought that God is in everything and the doing is a kind of worship towards God, then you will be walking the path of Karma Yoga all the time. Take the simple act of smiling at someone. Many times we smile by just moving our lips, how often does the smile reach our eyes? How often does our smile come out of our hearts and touch the other person’s heart? How often does our smile carry blessing?

If we are in touch with the wellspring of love within us all the time then everything we do will be an act of love, we will be touch with the Divine all the time, we will be Karma Yogis always.

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