(100 word flash fiction)
She is standing by the stove when he enters the kitchen still half in the arms of sleep.
She turns towards him and motions towards the table. “How about a quickie?” Her smile is as delicious as chocolate on a warm tongue.
He isn’t sure when Morpheus flees. All he is delightfully aware of is that Aphrodite has engulfed them in her foamy, liquid arms.
He gives his best and when it is over, looks at her with pleasure. “What was that about?” He asks in wonder.
“Oh!” she says, nonchalantly rolling off the table. “The egg timer is broken.”
P.S. According to Hesiod‘s Theogony, Aphrodite was born when Cronus cut off Uranus‘s genitals and threw them into the sea, and she arose from the sea foam (aphros) interpreting the name as “risen from the foam”. (Source : Wikipedia)
Entry for Friday Fictioneers the awesome flash fiction blog run by Rochelle for the following photo prompt.