
Thursday, February 26, 2015

The nut cracker - haiku

sparrows cheep 
cheep cheep me awake
into a dreamworld

of mirages
I, an unwilling

a body so burdensome
so burdensome

the desiring mind
transfixed by illusions
of its own making

yet, something waits
to be found, for the shell
to be cracked open

the other me
beckons with a nut-cracker
called silence


Saturday, February 14, 2015

The wealthiest place in the world

The video says it all -

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Befriending silence - tanka

your endless talk
on festers of loneliness
are but band-aids

come, let us befriend silence
the fullness of nothingness


Sunday, February 01, 2015

Walk in the forest - tanka

walk in the forest
tan columns and green walls
cathedral of calm

from among the rustling trees
I pick seeds of silence
